Temple For Angels
Subjectivity is always an exciting thing to explore within monuments and installations. Artworks can have very different personalities to each individual onlooker. Here we propose a Covid memorial, endorsed by London Design Festival, but sadly never receiving commission. Does it stand as a whimsical & etherial memory of a passed love one, or does it sit proud and strong like the NHS efforts?
And there is a connection between the heroes within the NHS and the memories of our recently deceased relatives. In our heads we elevate them to a higher status – one of adoration, respect and a kindness we so fondly remember. We idolise their achievements as something greater and more impossible than we can ever achieve ourselves. We revere them as angels.
Whilst the wings of angels remain fictional, the triumphs over COVID19 are palpable and real. For the London Design Festival 2021, we propose a physical manifestation of these efforts, struggles and triumphs. Protective wings offering solace leading up to exultant wings that pull the inhabitants of London higher and in to a better state of consciousness.
We wanted to create a temple for every man and woman, religious or non-religious. A place where all can meditate and calmly reflect back on recent happenings. Memories of celebration entwined with memories of mourning.