Mozambique Pre-School

Mozambique Pre-School


Design Team:

_Carlos Gris / Claudia Rivera

The goal of Escola Verde (Green School) is to enable the occupying children all the tools they need to thrive in a community setting, whilst also offering the safety and comfort that a home can give.

All the materials and building techniques have been chosen as they can be locally sourced, they are cost efficient and also to allow the teachers themselves to construct the school – with low complexity architecture.

We have arranged the necessary spaces in to zones that will enable the children to practice real life situations. This planning technique will replicate, to a degree, the environment of a village setting, but in a controlled and enclosed envelope.

Pillar 01 – Family – A social unit to serve as a foundation. Pillar 02 – Culture – The beliefs and customs of the institution. Pillar 03 – Education – The acquiring of knowledge. Pillar 04 – Communication – The exchange of ideas between individuals. Pillar 05 – Arts & Entertainment – A chance to express yourself creatively.

Mozambique Pre-School
Mozambique Pre-School
Mozambique Pre-School
Mozambique Pre-School
Mozambique Pre-School